Bishop Silvester S. Beaman
Chair, Global Witness and Ministry
Dr. Beaman has served as the Director on numerous community and national boards, organizations, governmental task forces, and commissions. He is the past President of the Interdenominational Ministerial Action Council of Wilmington, Delaware. He has been inducted into the Martin Luther King, Jr. Board of Preachers at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and Prince Hall Mason Star of the East Lodge #1 and was awarded the highest honor as a Delaware citizen, with the "First Order of the State Award." He is one of a few clergy persons in the nation who has offered prayer in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
The Young People's Division
Young Adult Members (YAM)
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Bishop Sylvester S. Beaman
Commission Chair,
Global Witness & Ministry
Dr. Deborah Taylor King
Women's Missionary Society
stronger global partnerships
new and innovative initiatives
the gaps for women in education, wealth building, health and wellness and leadership
BRANDING WMS-AMEC as a powerful force for advocacy and action.
Empower Women
Embrace Child Protection and Spiritual, Mental and Physical Development
Eradicate Hunger
Maternal Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa. The video is 12 minutes long, it is excellent and provides a brief overview.