"God Our Father, Christ Our Redeemer, Holy Spirit Our Comforter, Humankind our Family"

 "We are called to strengthen our faith and sent to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by service and witness in the world."

A Message from


President of the Council of Bishops of the

African Methodist Episcopal Church






"The Church Called to Action"

"a power-packed 30-minute kick-off to ministry and service in action"


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Tuesday, April 21, 2020



1:00 PM EDT - 12:00 NOON CDT - 11:00 AM MDT - 10:00 AM PDT

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The first 10,000 can be a part of the Plan for Action During and  "Right After" the Pandemic.


In the stillness, as we listen for God's direction, the church of Richard Allen is being called to discuss ways to forge ahead. Remember the Free African Society and the Yellow Fever epidemic of 1793. Decades of struggle for justice, liberty, and freedoms around the world.... past and present. Practice self-determination in ways that honor our legacy and authentically practice our "mustard seed faith".


Together we can make sense of the world when the world seemingly makes no sense!


-  Special Message from US Congressman James Clyburn (South Carolina, 6th District) Majority Whip  and recently appointed Chair of the US House Select Coronavirus Oversight Committee


-  Inspirational Words from  Council of Bishops President Bishop Harry L. Seawright, Senior Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson, Social Action Chairperson Bishop Frank M. Reid, III


-  Opportunities "While We Wait" from Social Action Director Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker & visionaries in African Methodism


For more information, please go to http://ame-sac.org or call 213-494-9493  for Sistah "Jackie"



Council of Bishops

African Methodist Episcopal Church


April 4, 2020


The Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church are deeply concerned about how the Federal Government has mishandled the Coronavirus “global pandemic.” What was once characterized as a “hoax” has become a full-blown health crisis. The lack of leadership, misinformation and mismanagement coming out of Washington, DC, makes a bad situation worse.


We see daily news reports about the devastating and destructive global and national effects of this pandemic. When the political, economic, and social realities of helping our nation heal and recover are mixed with racism and White Supremacy, the Council of Bishops becomes even more concerned. As one health care leader affirmed: “COVID is just unmasking the deep disinvestment in our communities, the historical injustices and the impact of residential segregation.”


When we discover that the number of African American deaths is disproportionate to our numbers in many states, like Michigan and Wisconsin, we are concerned that the ongoing attacks and cutbacks to what some call “Obamacare” have made this situation worse. We are also wondering whether people of color were considered when the testing guidelines were written? Indeed, it is becoming more apparent every day that racism and economic inequality may be impacting how our nation is managing this healthcare crisis.


Therefore, the Bishops’ Council of the African Methodist Episcopal Church calls for:

1. The federal government to collect and release the breakdown of CORONAVIRUS cases and deaths by race and ethnicity.


2. At-risk and underserved communities to receive expedited services in all new bills that seek to help the American people and communities recover from the adverse healthcare and economic consequences of this pandemic.


3. The federal government to make sure that race does not exclude all qualified people of color, the businesses and non-profits they represent. These groups have been underserved by those responsible for the Payroll Protection Program issued through the CARES Act.


Finally, we write this on April 4, 2020, the 52nd Anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King by the system of White Supremacy and economic inequality. It seems that while there are many trying to keep the dream alive, the dream-killers hold many of the key positions of power. We will continue to pray, organize and work with others who believe in the dream of freedom and justice for all. Will you?


Keep The Dream Alive (2 Chronicles 7:14)


Respectfully Submitted,


The Right Reverend Harry L. Seawright (9th Episcopal District)


Council of Bishops of the AME Church


Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Jr. (Senior Bishop, 11th Episcopal District)

Bishop Michael L. Mitchell (Secretary, 12th Episcopal District)

Bishop E. Anne Henning Byfield (Assistant Secretary, 16th Episcopal District)

Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie (10th Episcopal District)

Bishop Gregory Gerald McKinley Ingram (1st Episcopal District)

Bishop Wilfred Jacobus Messiah (17th Episcopal District)

Bishop Paul Mulenga Kawimbe

Bishop James Levert Davis (2nd Episcopal District)

Bishop David Rwhynica Daniels Jr. (15th Episcopal District)

Bishop Samuel Lawrence Green, Sr. (7th Episcopal District)

Bishop E. Earl McCloud, Jr. (14th Episcopal District)

Bishop Jeffrey Nathaniel Leath (13th Episcopal District)

Bishop Julius Harrison McAllister, Sr. (8th Episcopal District)

Bishop John Franklin White (4th Episcopal District)

Bishop Clement Willie Fugh (5th Episcopal District)

Bishop Reginald Thomas Jackson (6th Episcopal District)

Bishop Ronnie Elijah Brailsford (20th Episcopal District)

Bishop Stafford J. N. Wicker (18th Episcopal District)

Bishop Frank Madison Reid, III (3rd Episcopal District) (Endorsing Agent-Ecumenical & Urban Affairs)


Retired Bishops:


Bishop Frederick Calhoun James

Bishop Frank Curtis Cummings

Bishop Philip Robert Cousin, Sr.

Bishop Henry Allen Belin, Jr.

Bishop John Richard Bryant

Bishop Robert Vaughn Webster

Bishop Zedekiah Lazett Grady

Bishop William Phillips DeVeaux, Sr.

Bishop Theodore Larry Kirkland

Bishop Richard Franklin Norris

Bishop Preston Warren Williams, II

Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry




Rev. Dr. Jeffery B. Cooper

General Secretary/CIO

African Methodist Episcopal Church




March 31, 2020


To The Connectional Church:


In light of the uncertainty around the spread and management of the novel coronavirus pandemic, Covid-19, the leadership of the African Methodist Episcopal Church has rightly placed the health and well-being of our members as the fundamental priority. Thus, it has been determined that it is wise and prudent to reschedule the 51st General Conference. The results of a series of conversations with officials in Orange County and the Convention Center, and several meetings with the Bishops, and the most recent meeting of the General Conference Commission, a decision has been made to postpone the General Conference. We are currently considering alternative dates in collaboration with the Convention Center and Officials in Orange County/Orlando that will also include dates in 2021. A date certain will be announced within the next few weeks — when all hotel and Convention Center negotiations are complete.


Worldwide, COVID-19 has infected more than 800,000 confirmed cases and finding new victims to assault every day. As of this writing, more than 39,000 people have died. The necrology is growing exponentially daily. Florida is now listed as a “hotspot” with more than 5,000 confirmed cases. By Executive Order, Orange County Mayor, Jerry Demings, has issued a “stay-at-home” order.


Our utmost concern is for the safety and health of the AMEC family as we would potentially gather for our quadrennial meeting, as well as an overarching concern for public health around the globe, especially as it pertains to the novel coronavirus. We are committed to following the policies mandated by official government agencies, and the protocols of best practices to flatten the curve of new cases determined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Concerning our General Conference, all manner of possibilities are being considered.. Also being considered is the economic impact that a shortened General Conference Program might have as a long-term benefit to the denomination, for the local church, and for delegates, alternates and observers attending the Conference. All considerations, however, must include the full participation of Districts 14 — 20.


Please pray for the health of the world, the nations, and the African Methodist Episcopal Church.


Respectfully Submitted,


The Right Reverend Harry L. Seawright


Council of Bishops









The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church want to express its deepest concern for the safety and health of our membership during this global health pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus or COVID-19. This disease has disrupted our lives in multiple ways, threatening our physical, spiritual and economic health.


In light of the aggressive nature of this virus, there will be adjustments to already scheduled Connectional and Episcopal District meetings to minimize the risk of exposure for attendees, staff and other participants. This involves logistics, hotels, long and short-term travel as we comply with new federal and local government directives.


What you can expect:


•  Episcopal District and affected Connectional officers are formulating contingency plans. They will make any necessary updates and announcements concerning postponements or cancelations available to their areas.


•  Connectional auxiliaries are encouraged to look for alternative ways to continue their ministries if it becomes necessary.


Local congregations are encouraged to make or engage their emergency plans for distant worship and learning opportunities. Let’s keep the Connection connecting! We live in an enhanced technological age. Use digital platforms to stream worship services, convene meetings, lead prayer services and Bible studies. Utilize conference calls as another option. Use the Class Leader System or other means to encourage one another other. We will get through this if we stick together!


Google is making the professional version of Google Hangouts Meet available for free as a tool to livestream services for churches.


Dr. Miriam Burnett and the AME Health Commission has been closely monitoring this evolving crises. Pertinent information has and will continue to be disseminated through Dr. Jeffery B. Cooper, Chief Information Officer. Read updates on the AMEC International Health Commission website at www.amehealth.org and its social media platforms. If you have questions for our AME Medical Director, email them to chamec@gmail.com.


Given the current guidance on COVID-19, the Council of Bishops encourages its global membership to act responsibly. The Bible encourages us to love our neighbor as ourselves.


Let’s love our neighbor by washing our hands often, using alcohol-based hand sanitizers when necessary and disinfecting personal and public touchable surfaces before and after services and/or events.


Let’s love our neighbor by coughing appropriately into our elbows and practice social distance guidelines. This means no hugging, hand-holding, cheek-kissing or any high-fives to keep the most vulnerable among us safe. This may be difficult for some but for the moment, it is a healthy necessity.


Finally, the Council of Bishops is calling the church to prayer collectively and individually. We are admonished by way of scripture that “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NRSV) Lord, heal the land!


We will make it through this together! We’re AME Strong! Our perseverance is rooted in the grace of God. Our resilience is empowered by the Holy Spirit. We’re durable disciples of Jesus Christ, who do more than pick up the pieces and move on during uncertain times or during catastrophic events.


 The Council of Bishops


Peace and Blessings,


Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Senior Bishop

Bishop Harry L. Seawright, President, Council of Bishops

Bishop Michael L. Mitchell, Secretary, Council of Bishops

Bishop E. Anne Henning-Byfield, Assistant Secretary, Council of Bishops






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