Commission on Christian Social Action
Missionaries on the Move (MOM)
"Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24
Frank M. Reid, III
Host Bishop
Mrs. Marlaa Hall-Reid
Host Supervisor
Michael L. Mitchell
Commission Chair
Connectional President
Mrs. Deborah Taylor-King
Women's Missionary Society
First Vice President
Mrs. Charolett Biggs Martin
Women's Missionary Society
District President
Mrs. Laurastine Lemon
Host WMS President
MOM Commissioner
Women's Missionary Society
Greetings and Remarks from Commissioner Williams-KIng
Description of Outreach Ministries
The Dorcas Adams Young (D.A.Y.) House is a transitional safe house for abused and battered women and children in Nassau, Bahamas. It offers short-term residence, assistance with food, clothes, toiletries, etc. Crisis counseling, case management and support are also made available with the purpose of finding viable options around which survivors can restructure their lives. The DAY house is managed by members of the Bahama Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Named after Dorcas Roberts-Swain, a very kind person, who gave to all from her heart; Dr. Dolly Adams, former Supervisor of Missions in the 11th District, who brought sight to the vision, and Dr. Dorothy Jackson Young who exudes peace and cares for the “least of them”, continues to fulfill the mission to serve this present age.
The Olive Branch Food Pantry is a ministry of Mount Olive A.M.E. Church, Orlando. The pantry serves children, adults or senior citizens with limited or no income, families who simply have fallen on hard times or affected by unemployment, and those needing assistance to make ends meet.
United Against Poverty (UP, Inc.) Orlando, mission is to serve those in poverty by providing crisis care, case management, transformative education, food and household subsidy, employment training and placement, and personal empowerment training. The vision is to have communities where every family has access to basic needs, nutritional food, crisis care, education and employment training and, where everyone has the opportunity to achieve a future filled with hope and possibilities.
The Orlando Union Rescue Mission is a non-profit, faith-based organization which provides the homeless with food, clothing, shelter, and other resources to help them achieve long-term independence and self-sufficiency. While the guest at the mission work to fight addictions, seek employment, and transform their lives, the mission provides for their essential needs.
Edward Waters University, is a private Christian historically Black University in Jacksonville, Florida. It was founded in 1866 by members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME Church) as a school to educate freedmen and their children. It continues to be affiliated with the AME Church and is a member of the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida. Edward Waters College (EWC) is, distinctively, Florida’s oldest independent institution of higher learning as well as Florida's first institution established for the education of African American.
AME-SADA is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in Africa and the Caribbean. AME-SADA has demonstrated the implementation of its mission of “helping people help themselves” by providing essential assistance to those in need through health, micro-enterprise, agriculture and education programs as well as emergency humanitarian aid in African and the Caribbean.
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